Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Why I Finally Swallowed My Pride and Got a Blog

I hate blogs.
I hate the assumption that someone out there cares what I think.  There's just something narcissistic about that.
I believe that my musings are entertaining, but I do not expect people to read them.

Well, I did believe all that.

For kicks one time a little over a month ago, I wrote a several-page commentary on the decision to make a Spider-Man reboot, and throughout the write-up, I frequently alluded to the fact that I was writing it in my boxers (as it was still early on Saturday morning).  I posted the write-up on facebook and got a lot of really positive feedback from my friends, so over the next few weeks, I wrote three more articles on video game ethics, Batman and Robin, and Joss Whedon.  The pieces were fun to write, and my friends found them funny and informative.

Then disaster struck.  A virus corrupted my facebook page, and I had to deactivate it.  After the typical panic and suicide attempt you'd expect from a grad student deprived of his social network for the first time in six years, I figured I needed to save the articles somehow, and so they wound up here.  The proverbial phoenix has risen from the ashes to drop trou and write about comicbooks another day.

I'll update this from time to time, but it probably won't be a regular thing.  Also, no details about my personal life --barring occasional references to my degree of pantslessness-- will ever make it onto this site.  This isn't about me.  This is about cartoons, video games, movies, philosophy, theology, superheroes, and all the other things that make Saturday morning (and Sunday morning) awesome.

Peace, Love, and Cartoons,

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